Myth № 1: Confidence is built when you are successful, earning, winning. But is it?
The truth is that confidence is "forged" in fire. It is built when life is challenging and you overcome difficulties. And even when you fail in your endeavors, you learn something. Whenever you try, you learn something. That is how you build your confidence.
Myth №2: Confident people are most noticeable.
The truth is that confidence is calm. You have seen such calm confident people around you. Confidence is far from declaring you don't care what others think about you or from taking risks. Itis not even related to whether you are an introvert or an extrovert because it is not aquality of the character but a skill. Confidence does not depend on how young or old you are, or how experienced you are. True confidence comes from your true "center", your "core" - your "ME". True confidence is about being willing to try, to test, to learn on the move, and while you are doing it to know that you can rely on yourself in any situation.
Myth №3: You can lose your confidence. Hardly!
The truth is that you can't lose something that is inside you.When you say you have lost confidence; it actually means that you have a very clear idea of what it feels like to be confident! When you doubt yourself, it means you've just blocked the access to your own confidence, but thatis OK. It means that you are confidentbut you can't reach your confidence at this moment.The good news is that this is a temporary condition whichcan be easily overcome.