When we are stressed or under serious pressure, it is really hard for us to be focused, confident and take an action. I myself have noticed how in such moments I "block", freeze and need to hide somewhere. And here comes the Neuroscience.
It is difficult, if not almost impossible, to feel or be confident when your nervous system is "on the edge". In fact, a simple explanation is that at that moment a part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex, does not switch on, it does not work.
Let me give an example. Suppose you have a very important presentation to give at work. You have been preparing for months. And as you enter the hall, you realize that you have forgotten your laptop and backpack on the table at home. It is at this moment when your nervous system "explodes" and you internally freak out. Could you do an algebra problem right now? No chance! Your nervous system is burning; you are on the verge of a breakdown, no chance to focus right now. Let alone thinking strategically oreven thinking at all. But if you really want to upgrade your own response in moments like this and be able to focus on what is important and how to calm down, I invite you to learn something I call "Body confidence." It is the ability to know when you are on edge, but also the ability to calm your body and mind down when you need to.
It is interesting that marines who work under extreme conditions and situations are trained this exercise. And for those of you who are papents, I can assure that it also helps with children when they fall into hysterical condition.
The other name of this technique is VAKOG which comes from our 5 senses:
- Vision
- Audition
- Kinesthetic or simply said - sense of touch
- Olfactory - sense of smell
- Gustatory – sense of taste.
You need 3 minutes.
- Stop for a moment, close your eyes and if you want scan mentally your body with your mind by inhaling and exhaling slowly at least 3 times
- Open your eyes and see 5 red things around
- Then hear 4 different sounds from the surrounding environment
- Touch 3 different objects or surfaces
- Smell 2 different smells around you
- Finally try 1 flavor (this could be a drink, a cookie, etc.)
Now scan your body again. How do you feel?
This exercise gives you the opportunity to calm your mind, synchronize the body and brain, be here and now. Think about what is under your control now and act.
If I go back to the forgotten laptop example, the action could be: you can postpone the presentation until someone brings the laptop; you can find the version of your presentation in the cloud space and download it; you can remember the whole presentation or do it again?