Everyone can stumble. Everyone can block. See no solution. Spin in circles…
Some of us, however, stand up and move on with confidence - you certainly know such people.
Confidence is a skill of growth of a completely different nature.
And it happens with some help from outside, for example from someone like me - a confidence coach.
The need which brought you here
How things look from outside
You have always believed that you can cope with everything. And yes, in life you achieve each goal you set and the people around you admire your persistence, achievements and qualities!
How you feel inside
Everything you do and achieve looks like success. But you don't feel exactly the way the others see you. Or at least you don't feel the way you think you should. If such thoughts both frighten and disturb you, you are in the right place.
What is for sure
There is something which stands on your way or which you misperceive. And no matter how much you consider and analyze it, in this case you don't have the confidence that you can handle the situation on your own. Sometimes you need a little help from outside – this is when I step in, your personal confidence coach.